Wednesday, March 24, 2010

teacher's domain

teacher's domain offered a lot of interesting resources. There are several videos and ideas of how to use the full video and clips with lessons. I thought the video activities is a good way to incorporate learning outside of the classroom. Most young adults watch a lot of TV and if they learn how to think about video's in an educational way they may apply that type of thinking to TV shows and movies they watch on their own time

Thursday, March 11, 2010


Thinkfinity is such a great site! I can't believe the amount of information and resources available from this site, for both teachers and students. It's amazing how easy it is to access so many diverse lesson plans. Thinkfinity is also a great starting point that will introduce you to other resouces and websites for educators. The lessons and games seem really inovative and modern wich is impportant in the aspect of getting students interest and making learning a desired fun experience.