Wednesday, February 24, 2010

sooo this week i'm supposed to blog about any technology...ohhh so many options. Well I guess I'll talk about facebook. I'm a college student so I guess there is no way around escaping my mild addiction to facebook. Facebook is great it helps me stay in contact with old and current friends, family members, and peers. Even for the podcast assignment my group members and I were using facebook as a tool to communicate. Granted I'm usually on facebook looking through recently posted pictures of everyone's eventful weekends when I should be doing homework or something more productive with my life but that's not the only negative thing about facebook. I recently found out about a virus that is being passed around thorugh facebook...YIKES! I guess you get a message from one of your friends that says to watch a video clip with the link. To see the "video" you must download a plug. Well long story short it's a virus soooo DON"T OPEN IT or your computer will die! Why are there so many viruses anyway? Who has the time to create all these viruses and what's the point? What are they getting out of making people miserable?

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